
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2016


Recently, more and more I am looking for something strange / different in photography. Now, once again I fell in love with pixels, which is why I decided to start a new project: NOSTALGIA A series of photographs processed in a retro style. Reminding me of the days when everyone had a Nokia 3310 and the console does not have a color screen. I am very happy that I can do something new, especially that after several such attempts, I had great fun creating these images. > gallery on deviantart

Hello world!

Welcome to my blog! Where I will be presenting various projects that created by myself, or those in which I participated. You will find here both mechatronics, computer graphics and also the art or photography. So I think that each of you will find something interesting here. This blog is a kind of attempt at cataloging everything what I'm working, and collect this information in one place. If you participate in some interesting project that is linked thematically to my blog - let me know! I am always willing to take part in an interesting initiative.