
Learn how to code with SoloLearn

Believe or not, despite being so lazy with almost everything, I'm quite into learning new stuff. Especially if this can profit in the future. And if I can learn on the go, on the bus or tram, on my phone, then I've always will choose that way. You know, sitting in the bus there not much to do, besides watching youtube or memes, so why not spent all this free time on learning something useful? Searching for some new apps to learn new things, I've stumbled upon my old friend: SoloLearn ! And this is the topic of today's blog.

Chop Suey by Edward Hopper

Yes, we are talking about an oil painting, not a song. Even though the one from SOAD is brilliant! Chop Suey is one of my favorite paintings by Edward Hopper , right next to Nighthawks. There is something special about it, something out of place, strange and attractive. My attention is particularly attracted to the porcelain-white face of a woman sitting at the table. During my graphic art studies, I liked this painting very much, mostly for its strong brush moves and composition. It seemed to me to be a perfect example of rough art and not paying attention to tiny movements with a brush, and at the same time was a perfect example showing the artist's great craftmanship.  For a few years I forgot about this painting, however one quote from Wikiart told me to come back to it: According to art scholar David Anfam, one "striking detail of Chop Suey is that its female subject faces her doppelgänger." Others have pointed out it would not be so un...

Back to blog!

The blog is not dead! Yes, I know, some time has passed. In the meantime, I was running (and maybe I'll even move some of the articles here), but I'm back to where it's all started and soon this blog will be teeming with life. If you want to read about photography, Art, IT or movies and books. Well... you've come to the right place!

UC San DiegoX: CSE167x Computer Graphics

With the beginning of May, the edX platform begun course of computer graphics. It is organized by The University of California, San Diego, and the course is run by Ravi Ramamoorthi. If someone just start the adventure with 3D graphics (or just planning to do so) I think, it is worth to see this material :) source - edX link:


Another of the images made in apophysis and photoshop . Somehow it fits as wallpaper ; ) > dA link <

Reworking some old projects

Some of the old projects that was lying on my hard disk or deviantart. I n a slightly refreshed form: >>> dA gallery link <<<

Spring came!

My new fractal - made with apophysis & photoshop.   >>>dA link<<<